Author: trafficked
Part 6. Where Would I Be Without Jesus? Thoughts, Actions, and Their Devastating Power.
“Watch your thoughts for they become words, watch your words for they become actions, watch your actions, for they become habits, watch your habits for they become your character, watch your character for it becomes your destiny.” – Lao Tzu We’ve all heard such advice before, and in looking back…
Part 5: Where would I be without Jesus? Unfaithfulness.
I’m taking clips of my testimony to go a little deeper to show what Jesus has saved me from. I’m going to just start by saying that I lived a lifetime of darkness, and it took forever for me to come to Christ. I pressed my luck in waiting! I…
Part 4: Where Would I Be Without Jesus? Sexual Immorality and Suicide.
Today I wanted to share yet another part of my life that’s an example of being pulled from the darkness of my life into the light of Jesus’ saving grace. The idea with this series is to focus more on certain subjects shared in my testimony, and even go into…
Part 3: Where Would I Be Without Jesus? Unforgiveness.
For those new to my website, I will re-share a blip about my life that ties into unforgiveness. Let me start out by saying that my life should serve as a warning to others that the path I chose led me to a cliff. And if it hadn’t been for…
Part 2: Where Would I Be Without Jesus? Adultery.
I thought that I would take parts of my testimony and break it into segments showing some of the things that Jesus has saved me from. And show that not even in my most shameful moments did He ever let me go. I’ve spent most of my life being hard-headed…
Part 1: Where Would I Be Without Jesus? Addiction.
There’s no truer statement. Looking back I can see that He never gave up on me. There are too many times to mention at once, so perhaps I will address each separately. Things that Jesus has rescued me from. When you’re living deep in sin, it has a blinding effect…
Spiritual Awakening: Lessons on Humility, Complacency, and Drawing Closer to God
From Lukewarm Faith to Spiritual Awakening: Realizing My Need for God Earlier this spring, I had a spiritual awakening. A realization that I was not right with God. I was squeezing Him in here and there, many times when I could “kill two birds with one stone”. The word lukewarm…
Jars of Clay – A Broken Vessel Restored in Christ Jesus
The Potter’s Hand: Finding Restoration Through Brokenness “So I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was working at his wheel. And the vessel that he made of clay was broken in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the…